50k Subscriber Giveaway. Hand-made Wooden Folding Bucksaw. The Winners are…………

This is the giveaway video for the folding bucksaw competition.

Thank you all so much for all your support over the past few years, the channel has gone from strength to strength, growing at a rate I could never have imagined! Without your kind words of encouragement, your support, your likes and shares and you subscription I wouldn’t still be here today filming and making videos. Its a passion and gives me great joy to make these videos, so reading through the positive comments and knowing they are well received makes my day – every day!

Thank you!

The winners can get in touch with me via Messenger or Email using the details below. I will get them packaged up and sent off. Please be patient with the delivery, there is bound to be some delay due to the current pandemic.

I wish you and your families well. Stay safe and take care.



Simon, a bloke in the woods – Patch and Sticker (currently out of stock)


Contact me at:


Or by mail at:

Simon, a bloke in the woods
PO Box 384
IP22 9DB

Facebook Simon, a bloke in the woods


Instagram simon_a_bloke_in_the_woods


Music Rockytop by Audionautix

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