Surviving -48C Winter in SOLID ICE BLOCK IGLOO – Eating What We Catch! (ASMR)

This video shows the process I use to build an ice igloo out of solid ice blocks. This shelter took about 3 days with the help of 3 people.

The catenary shape of the igloo is very strong. To make it even stronger, we made the snow wet and added slush as a mortar between courses of solid ice blocks. The blocks were cut from the ice, pulled by sled and then loaded in courses upwards. This shelter is so strong, it can hold the weight of several people on top.


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We cut blocks out of the ice using an ice saw, drag them with a snow sled and then mortar the ice blocks in place using slush that formed on top of the ice from the snow as the layer of snow gets wet. In all, it took us about 3 days of hard labor to build the ice shelter. We even had to put on the finishing touches after dark on the last night.

A primitive igloo is not made like this at all. Rather, the builder will cut out block from hard packed snow. This type of hard pack snow is very rare, only occurring in the far North, and under extreme cold temperatures and packed snow conditions. This forms a much more solid block of snow that sticks or holds together like a loose wafer. Our snow is either too warm and sticks together, or not cold enough, so remains flaky and does not hold together. It would be possible to pre-pack some snow, and allow the ice crystals to hold together. This is called sintering. If snow is piled enough and let to stand, a hollowed out tunnel can be made, producing a quinzee snow shelter. This will act the same as an igloo, but it is dug out, rather than built up. It also requires tools like shovels and a lot of snow unlike an igloo.

Our ice shelter is made from solid ice blocks cut using a hand ice saw. The ice saw cuts through the ice similar to a wood saw, but with much larger teeth. The saw is efficient, but it is very time consuming to cut out so many blocks. It was imperative that the ice hole be marked out for safety reasons so that no one would stumble into the open water. The ice blocks where very heavy. We could lift the ice blocks out of the water with the help of ice screws. We learned very early that smaller blocks were easier to manage, and we also placed thicker blocks on the bottom layers, thinning them as we went higher.

The ice blocks were placed on edge with the gab filled with slush. The first day had ideal conditions, the snow was melting and formed a slush, this was used as a mortar to help angle the blocks and hold them together. By the end, the igloo solidified into one solid block of ice! As we grew the walls of the igloo, we noticed that it was difficult to continue the angle and form a roof without another method as the blocks angle would simply fall over. Once we reached a decent height, we grabbed some trees from the shore and then laid thinly cut roof ice blocks down horizontally.

I set up a “tip-up” ice fishing rig which I built over 25 years ago when I was a teenager. I still use them today to catch fish. It works on a pendulum so that when a fish bites, it goes down, and stays down so that the fish can run with the bait a little and this makes it more likely that the fish will be hooked.

Surviving -40C Extreme Cold in ICE BLOCK IGLOO!
Surviving -28C Winter in ICE IGLOO! (ASMR)
Surviving -48C Winter in SOLID ICE BLOCK IGLOO – Eating What We Catch! (ASMR)


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