Bushcraft Breakfast In The Woods. Devilled Kidneys And Bannock. 10K Giveaway.

In this video I head back to find my raised bed, built nearly a year ago in a beautiful local pine woodland. While in the woods I cook a breakfast of Devilled Kidneys and Bannock, bushcraft style over an open camp fire, before getting to the main point of this video, a Giveaway to celebrate reaching 10K subscribers! I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support, your kind words and for sticking with me over the months. I am hugely grateful, thank you!

There will be two prizes, both ultra lightweight cook sets.
The first prize consists of a 750ml titanium bush pot with lid, an uber light wood gasifying stove in its own pouch, a compact methylated spirit stove and fuel bottle, a super lightweight windshield and a folding titanium spork which all packs away into a stuff sack. The complete set weighs in at 280g.
The runner up prize is a 400ml titanium mug, a super lightweight meths stove in its own dedicated pouch, an ultralight windshield and a fuel bottle. Again all packs into its own stuff sack and weighs a mere 140g.

To enter, you MUST be a subscriber to the channel, so if you haven’t hit that subscribe button, now is a good time to do it! (remember it doesn’t cost anything to subscribe!)
You must also like the video by hitting the thumbs up button and you need to leave a comment below stating that you want to be entered. If you want to share the video that would be great too!

Thanks for watching and GOOD LUCK! The draw will take place on Sunday 2nd December at 12.00 GMT

Facebook Simon, a bloke in the woods

Instagram simon_a_bloke_in_the_woods

Music: Cattails – Thatched Villagers by Kevin McLeod

Devilled Kidneys Recipe:

4-6 lambs kidneys – roughly chopped
1 onion peeled and chopped
Small knob of butter
Handful of plain flour
Salt and Pepper (to season the flour)
1 tbsp Tomato Puree
1 tbsp strong English mustard
1 tbsp Worcester sauce
300ml cold water

Season the flour with salt and pepper (in a ziplock bag) and toss in the kidney pieces. Fry the onions in the butter until softened and browned. Add the kidneys and cook until browned all over. Add the tomato puree, mustard, Worcester sauce and 300ml of water and stir well. Cook for 10 minutes or until the kidneys are cooked. Serve with a nice campfire cooked bannock.

Bannock Recipe:

A good handful of plain flour
Half a handful of dried milk powder
1/2 tsp baking powder or bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
Water (or beer!)

Mix all the dry ingredients in a ziplock bag. Add the water (or beer, beer is better!) a tiny bit at a time and mix in the bag until you have a stiff dough that doesn’t stick to your fingers too much. Kneed well. Set by the fire to prove. Cook over the coals, in a skillet, or on a hot rock next to the fire. Serve with Devilled Kidneys (or honey…….or jam………or condensed milk!)

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