Christmas & New Years Greetings

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The night before Christmas eve I had a little spare time to get started on carving a spoon blank, whilst doing so I thought it would be a great time to record this short video to wish you all a Christmas and New years greetings

Apologise for the fading light but the dark crept up on me quickly and you also get to see a cameo of my two cats 🙂

As always I appreciate you watching










Zed outdoors, Zedoutdoors,Bushcraft, Bush craft, Woodcraft, Wood craft, Survival, Historical lore, Primitive skills, Archery, Fishing, Navigation, Knives, Axes, Fire, Water, Shelter, Search and Rescue, Wildcamp, Wild camp, Nature, Edc. Prepping, Peparedness, Preps, Homesteading, Homestead, Organic, Environment, Mountain, Hiking, Hike, Trail, Ray mears, Bear grylls, Shtf, Teotwawki, Crafts, Woodworking, Wood working, Knife making, Knives, Blacksmith, Black smith, Green, Leather, Leather craft, Camping, Fire, Natural

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