How Do We Get Students to Think Like Historians? – Terence Beck | The OC for Social Studies

OER Conference for K-12 Social Studies | Track Talk: Assessing Historical Thinking

How Do We Get Students to Think Like Historians?

What does historical thinking look like and how do we get students to think like historians? In large part, it comes down to teaching students how to source documents, acknowledge confirmation bias, and ask the right questions when examining both historical and modern-day information.

About Terence
Terry is a Distinguished Professor in the School of Education at the University of Puget Sound. He is the author, with Walter Parker, of Social Studies in Elementary Education. Terry teaches courses in social studies, literacy, and social justice at the graduate and undergraduate level. He was the 2018 recipient of the Universities highest teaching honor, the President’s Excellent in Teaching Award. He worked for 19 years in K-12 schools as a teacher and principal.


OER Conference for K-12 Social Studies
August 5-7, 2020

We’re all exploring ways to ensure our students’ learning – and our own – continues to advance. Our new professional development conference for social studies can help meet those needs.


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