Lesson 37: Appetite for Energy | BHP with Rachel Hansen

What kinds of energy have you used in the past 24 hours? Which of those sources were used 100 years, or 500 years in the past? Our appetite for energy has accelerated during the Modern Revolution!

BHP with Rachel Hansen: https://community.oerproject.com/covid-19-oer-project/bhp-with-rachel-hansen/
BHP on Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/big-history-project


All of us have been impacted in one way or another by the COVID-19 outbreak. We’re doing everything we can to keep learning accessible throughout the pandemic. Learn more about those efforts here: https://community.oerproject.com/covid-19-oer-project/

To support your middle and high school students at home, veteran Big History Project teacher Rachel Hansen will guide students daily through the Big History Project on Khan Academy. She will provide content recommendations for each day, along with a Word of the Day and guiding questions. The Khan Academy version of the course also includes a comprehensive set of practice quizzes and activities for students at home.

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