Lesson 41: End of Empire and Cold War | WHP with Wood Boyles

Both the Cold War and the fall of great empires began even before the last shots of the Second World War were fired. The 1940s and 1950s saw a series of increasingly tense confrontations between Western and communist governments. These confrontations were tangled together with the struggles of colonized people to win independence. By the 1960s, both trends were in full swing. The entangled struggles of the Cold War and decolonization would continue for three decades, until most large colonies won their independence and the Soviet Union collapsed.

WHP with Wood Boyles: https://community.oerproject.com/covid-19-oer-project/whp-with-wood-boyles/
WHP on Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/whp-origins


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