Lesson 44: Globalization: The Downsides | WHP with Wood Boyles

Globalization has distanced us from each other almost as much as it has connected us. It has meant the substitution of processed food for fresh, and digital experience for lived experience. Families have seen increased freedom, but also increased divorce. Trade now accounts for almost half of the world’s GDP. As a result, it is easier than ever to get flowers in winter but what about the environmental impact of getting those flowers to you? Today we think about the downsides of globalization.

WHP with Wood Boyles: https://community.oerproject.com/covid-19-oer-project/whp-with-wood-boyles/
WHP on Khan Academy: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/whp-origins


All of us have been impacted in one way or another by the COVID-19 outbreak. We’re doing everything we can to keep learning accessible throughout the pandemic. Learn more about those efforts here: https://community.oerproject.com/covid-19-oer-project/

To support your high school students at home, experienced World History Project teacher Wood Boyles will guide students daily through the World History Project. He will provide content recommendations, along with a Word of the Day and guiding questions to frame each day’s content.

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