Machete Split Wood Fire & Difficult Flint & Steel

It’s hard to beat a split wood fire when everything is soaking wet. A saw makes things a lot easier, but sometimes it is fun to challenge yourself and practice doing without the things that make it easy.

The tree I used was a Douglas fir, which isn’t particularly enjoyable to work with. There were plenty of cedars and fatwood stumps that would have made things a lot easier, but again there’s value in doing things the hard way sometimes.

The flint and steel ignition caused me more trouble than I was expecting. I was using an old tin of charred Doug fir bark and I think it may have absorbed moisture since the last time I used it. I had trouble getting sparks to land, and trouble getting the embers to spread and ignite.

The machete is a CRKT Halfachance.


NOWË – Burning

Last of the Mohicans (Guitar) – Luca Strangoli

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