Tahr Meat For Dinner – The Wildest Clay Tall Stories

Being a hunter takes you into places you would otherwise never venture. This is just one of the many reasons why I hunt. It is also the purest meditation that I know. The mind remains clear and empty, yet fully aware of every smell, sound, movement, and the lightest breath of wind. The driver has always remained the same. To seek adventure and bring back home to share with those who do not have the means to gather their own free-range organic meat. This Tahr hunt had all of this but one more thing. It was something I dreamed of ever since I was a small boy. A busy life always seemed to be the excuse to not pursue this goal. I now fully understand how life is short…too short for any more lame excuses. I wanted to take you with me on this adventure but I also wanted to live it without letting the camera dictate how it rolled out so I hope you enjoy my record of it which I am excited to now share with you.
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