The hut for the harsh winter, survival in the tropical rainforest, ep 80

The hut for the harsh winter, survival in the tropical rainforest, episode 80
The earth’s climate has recently experienced unusual changes, the day is still hot but the nights are cold. The temperature ranges from 48 to 78 degrees F, a huge difference between day and night. Therefore, this earthen hut was built with a modest area, about 7 * 5 * 7 feet, with a bed close to the ground and a stove to cook and heat. It takes about 1 month to complete the tent in erratic rain and sun, in fact it takes about a week to take advantage of all the materials that have been prepared in advance (palm leaves from the old hut, bamboo from the plumbing system. ..)
Due to the modest area, the inside was quite warm, it was wonderful.
We only use only page facebook ( and do not have twitter, as well as blog (except for the fake ones). This is the North of Vietnam – a place full of unforeseen dangers and risks. Insects, centipedes and snakes are very dangerous, must be very careful when moving, holding, climbing and lifting stones. These skills are learned through books, the internet and real life experiences. Our normal day is like you and not like this.
#survival #instinct #rainforest #winter #hut #harsh

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