Winter shelter in the wild forest. +30 °C inside. Cooked dinner on the stove. New bed ready.

#bushcraft #dugout #buildingadugout

Good afternoon. Today we have great weather, the sun is shining, a slight frost. The forest and my dugout are very beautiful at this moment.
First of all, I fire up the stove so that it is warm inside. Next, I decided to remove the canvas that closes the door from the rain. The minus temperature has finally settled in my region and it will snow for the next few months. Therefore, I decided to remove the canvas, and in the spring I will attach it back to the door.
The steps that lead down are covered with snow, I swept the snow off them so that it would not turn into ice.
A few days ago I was here with a friend and we brought new boards and a sheet of plywood, these materials will be useful for further construction. Well, today I need to saw the boards and finish my bed.
At some point, the stove heated the room so much that I felt hot and I decided to go outside, cool off and at the same time clear the area from the snow that had fallen.
Pyosel, as always, digs the earth, he loves this activity. He also likes to steal firewood for the stove and chew it into small pieces.
The new bed is ready and looks good. To make it softer to sit, I laid sheets of insulation on the bed, they perform two functions at once: 1. it becomes warmer to sit and sleep on the bed, 2. it becomes much softer to sit
It’s dinner time, the recipe is simple: ground beef, bell peppers, carrots, cherry tomatoes, garlic, parsley. Since my frying pan is too small, I first fried the minced meat, and then stewed the vegetables separately. Then I mixed it all up and proceeded to dinner. By the way, I also fed my dog dog food. Enjoy your meal.
The day has come to an end, which means it’s time to go home, thanks for watching!

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